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Women's Sports History

Another picture from our comprehensive timeline of women's sports. Check this page weekly for a new picture.

The NGBL: The Forgotten 'League of Their Own'

The storied All American Girls Professional Baseball League ran from 1943 to 1954, and has been popularized by the 1994 movie A League of their Own. But few people today realize that other such leagues existed at the same time, including the National Girls Baseball League which operated in the same timeframe. Many players even switched back and forth between the two leagues.

Here, Jamie Deckard of Rockola receives a $500 award as the league's Most Valuable Player-- considerable amount of money in those days. She is flanked by her parents in this 1949 photo.




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 Photos from the archive of:


1928 Women's Tennis

1928 Women's Tennis


current issue

1933 Jewish Rower Germany


1945 Lawn Bowling

1945 Lawn Bowling

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