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WSPW Press Kit
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Submit Story

Women's Sports PhotoWorld accepts outside submissions.

These fit into two categories:

- Pre-formatted press releases of interest to women athletes

- Contributed editorial matter: Your game stories, athlete profiles and photo stories, tips& tricks etc.

Press releases should be of interest to female athletes and fans of female athletics. We reserve the right to fact check and edit press releases.

In order to fit our format, please include several hi-resolution photographs.

Contributed editorial matter may be on any topic Women's Sports PhotoWorld covers. You may profile your team or athlete, or send in game stories or photo stories. Contributions covering the lesser-known sports, college and prep sports, training, how-to's and coaching are encouraged. Product announcements will be run on a product announcement page if relevant. If several stories covering the same event are received, WSPW will run the one of the highest quality.

We reserve the right to fact check and edit contributions. Contributors whose stories run on a regular basis are eligible for compensation and placement on the masthead, and will receive assistance in accreditation.

To submit info, please contact the editor.

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